One Comment

  1. Fran says:

    I stumbled across your blog recently and have found your posts, especially those about the LGBTQ+ members of your church, very refreshing and inspiring.

    I do think, however, that your reference to abortions in your footnote above comes across as inconsiderate and narrow-minded. Lack of access to abortion should not be seen as a positive thing. The ability to choose and have access to an abortion should not be compromised and lockdown measures that limit women’s access to them is not to be celebrated.

    If we affirm that life is sacred, then the health and life of the woman must take precedence over the life of the fetus. During this pandemic, the lack of access to this health service is concerning and something that should trouble us.

    While there are strong public health and human rights arguments for supporting the right of women to safe and accessible abortion, biblical foundations for affirming abortion as a morally justifiable decision should also be considered.

    Women have a moral capacity, right and responsibility to make the decision as to whether or not abortion is justified in their specific circumstances and we have an obligation to acknowledge and support their decision.

    While the focus should be on responsible procreation, widespread availability of contraception, prenatal care and intentional parenting, I believe that scripture neither condemns nor prohibits abortion. It does, however, call us to act compassionately and justly when facing difficult moral decisions. Scriptural commitment to the most marginalised means that pregnancy, childbearing, and safe abortion should always be available for all women.

    I pray for and seek a world where abortion is always accessible, safe, legal and more importantly rare, but rare for the right reasons, not simply because of a lack of access.

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